I finally stopped pirating undertale.
Weird Happenings
Japanese truck has a camo now
IDK why but Darkflow seems to really like giving US/UK equipment to the USSR.
I like the new UI
This is a really good update, with some really nice changes, but Darkflow, what the shit?
I want more British armor in game
Why is Mauser C96 split into two is this a bug
How to play with just ai
Other than the t-34 STZ, what would be your first pick?
I rly hope that Darkflow is Cooking Up something Big, if not, this 16-day delay is Unacceptable
WTF is this luck!
Does upgrading a Plane to level 3 literally do Nothing?
It would be nice if they added some more squads from different countries in to the actual tech trees or at least their uniforms.
Should I use a blue card on the Casey and Skatie Story Event?
Circus Caper Garage Cleanup 4/4
This took WAYYYY too long
Huh? Is that some pre-merge shenenigans?
People who played before the merge, did you like Enlisted more before or after?
Skibidi soldiers coming to Enlisted?
The FuCk do I do
Buildable Tank ammo depots
My only pre-merge Italian squad I have left, they are a treasure to me
Should revolvers be buffed?