My small army
Got around to painting my R'varna, I suppose as a riptide proxy
For the Greater Paper
Sandpaper for Toybashing
I just love this quotes lol.
Intro to the game
How do you counter (heavy) flier spam with the Tyranids?
Angels Venture economical potential
I keep winning as the guardsmen
Super Credits now have the ability of the The Armored Resupply booster. Cool update.
Opinion: Fireblades should be able to join Pathfinders
Magnets are confusing
Tau Eyes
For Everyone as Slow in Realizing as Myself
My 1000pt need advice
Two huge guns
Best community
Commander needs a name after statistically unlikely performance
Better AI mods?
Any ideas on how to push this to 3k?
Finished Retaliation Cadre
XV29 Interceptor Battlesuit by ENGINEER24
Necrons Incredibly Overpowered in PvP for two reasons: Rapid Rise and Doomsday arks
How do you counter units with 11 armor