Which Roaster to Buy
Will i regret getting the SR800?
Let's share our Sandbox Smart R1 profiles!
About to buy the Skywalker V2. Talk me out (into) it?
How Cooked Is This?
SE800 OEM with Tilt Base
First ever roast using my old philips airfryer
Can't Enter MyRise Without Crashing
Bean Weight Loss
New to the hobby first batch of roasts
Gross bitter brown juice coming out of my breville - I want to cry
Just upgraded to an Aillio Bullet R2 any advice
Newbie Setup Questions (budget ~$300)
Progress: 1st vs 2nd Ever Attempt at Home Roasting
Suggestions on first roast
Today's stovetop roast
Feedback on first roast (whirley pop)
been reseraching, can get a SR800 with extension tube for 300 usd, used, or sandbox R1 for 300 usd. which is better? - i have contacts in taiwan, and sandbox is produced there
Another day, another roast (Costa Rica honey process)
registering my coffee brand
1st time roasting decaf version.
Another roast
Apoxcon Roaster - first use
Brazilian Pulp Natural
How do you store fresh roasted coffee?