Do you see it?
What profession would you never date?
I have incredibly vivid dreams every night. I SWEAR they feel so real, ALWAYS wake up with dinner plate eyes, why?
Would you Survive this thing for 10 Million dollars
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
What do you see at first glance?
A beluga whale from the bottom
I made a creature, what do I name it
Не, че не си го знаем, но какво вече не можем да постигнем и за 600 години.
Switching to Minecraft for my daw
Какво щяхте да работите, ако парите не са от значение?
Guys i met rock!!
Къде в страната има вкусен хотдог
I dreamed of this place and recreated it on source engine
I wish for that once a persons net worth is over a billion dollars, that they lose all their hair and have ED.
Run it up… again?
Am I wasting my time majoring in CS due to A.I?
31M , 1st time in my life living alone 😬
I think I invented a new genre. Hits different when blasting in the whip at 1 AM
What was something you swore to hate forever, then did and actually enjoy it now?
Seeing this on lsd would send me spiraling
Можете ли да ми помогнете да прилъжа хобито си от детството?
Lightning revealing the silhouette of dense black cloud
Love language is cool and all but what is your hate language?
How important is sex to you? Could you be in a relationship without sex?