Remember This Dude & His Disgusting Cereal?
Husbands try not to make my skin crawl challenge: impossible
Adhesions, appendix, something else?
Adhesions or appendix or?
What’s a childhood snack that disappeared but you still think about?
Visiting; current political climate and safety?
Deep Infiltrating Endo trapped in scar tissue?
Hot Showers do help cope up with Wake-Up Symptoms!
Which color suits me best?
Starting to feel like myself again!
Does anyone else suck at taking as a result of deficiency?
Can you get an ectopic pregnancy with no cervix, no fallopian tubes, and no uterus?
This administration got pastor Jamal Bryant repping his set and everything…
Redditors, what the best toppings on a pizza?
Have we all noticed Dorit’s Prince Albert earrings?
Robert M., one of hundreds of Philadelphia IRS workers laid off this week, previously supported President Trump. "I thought that someone with, like, his business acumen would have come in with a fine-tooth comb," he said.
Brown or Blonde? What looks best on me?
Wife hates me
What extras would you like to have in your office men’s room?
Husband has refused sex since testicular surgery
Why is it so cold in Hawaii right now?
What ages a person REALLY quickly ?
Celiac and Pregnancy - Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
Did I make a mistake.. Red or blonde?
Tampons causing cramps?