Commisions open :3
Headshot for BlizzTheProto on twitter :)
How much should I sell these slots for?
Sarco doesn’t need a nerf
Is he worth anything?
What’s a song everyone loves but you hate/dislike?
Harp seal exhibit size (class project)
Tis my boi~
what color scheme is best?
Why do people hate protoges so much??
Blue Popsicle (art by me)
Does Anyone Buy Fakes?
Got paid, paypal says I don't have a balance, how do I get the money I was actually paid?
Almost got in a crash, got yelled at, and I really hate myself
If you could pick out three words to describe how your OCD makes you feel what would they be??
Basicfun Treatment
How do I battle these irrational fears?
Thought it looked cool. Can’t come up with a witty title.
My Anxiety and OCD is making a simple and meaningful thing like prayer hard for me
Help me choose a pickguard!
How would you guys describe this color?
My dog is back by popular demand (no-one wanted this)