Employer of Record, remote hiring
SFK Bots getting ready for Work
Connecting directly to data feeds like CQG, Rithmic etc with Python
r/DayTrading's Monthly Questions Thread - December 2023
Mass reported for recruiting a gdkp BFD
Questie will NOT be showing new Runes in Season of Discovery
Blacked out copies of documents for viewings?
Living in Spain but creating online company in Estonia/Ireland etc.
What if Star Wars was a Finnish film back in the 70s
Specifying the staircase in an address
The reason why OSHA exists
Submarine stepson is back!
The Australian Bee has a unique type of Beehive
So how do you cross a street in Germany when you reach a crossroad?
They have learned nothing
Dinner is served cold
Dinner is served
to escape the cops
High speed chase end with pit maneuver in Mulberry..
Guys is there any way to detect available parking slots using machine learning/ openCv. Can someone explain how to implement that.
Few-shot translation transformer
Accuracy doesn't change
LLM custom dictionary
Short-term lockers in Lisbon
Drum & Bass On The Bike - GERMANY, BERLIN Sunday 30th April starting from BRANDENBURG GATE at 14:00Hrs. *THE ROUTE*
Predict a sequence of classes