Who should voice Thragg in Invincible?
Skrulls Vs Viltrumites, Who wins?
Seeing a lot of RTX 5000 & AMD 9070 upgrades, what GPU did you guys have before?
Who would you cast Cameron Monaghan as in James Gunn's DCU?
A movie where the villain is cooler than the hero?
Mayonnaise is made with a few basic ingredients and is very easy to prepare at home.
Choose an Absolute Power
Superhero name
can anyone explain why the superior spiderman suit is the only suit that stares back at you?
Who would you cast to be mr sinister in the MCU
Congratulations. You’ve got the power to summon any army from fiction. What faction are you choosing?
What is the most “rewatchable” movie
What's the greatest "I'm dead and i know it" moment in movies?
PC went from 35c idle to 60c overnight after adding 5070ti - HELP
From 35c to 60c overnight
Pick 2 and I'll make you a power
Is this still a flex in 2025?
What game got you wanting a sequel like this?
Which game is like this for you?
Name one, ONLY ONE, superhero or supervillain who could singlehandedly stop the Qu invasion of our galaxy
With prep; Could John Constantine take the trinity?
Durin's Bane by me
What is your, "we can catch a rocket with chopsticks, but we can't _______"?
We’ve seen some pretty terrible ones but which ones stand out as the best?
MSI Store "Preparing" Since Thursday