A Blue and Pink story.
What’s a mind blowing thing you refuse to believe?
The Dracula Parrot.
That's creepy
[spoiler] Necromancy pet leaked
What is your favourite MTX update this year?
Over the years I’ve acquired many odds and ends. Anything particularly interesting here?
this past Thursday marked the 13th anniversary of John Jones death in nutty putty cave. Jones found himself in a situation no man could help him and after being stuck upside down for 26 hours he died of cardiac arrest while his wife and daughter stood hundreds of feet above
Saw this fella today, the roundest pigorb I’ve ever seen ❤️
This guy was by the pool. Weird curvy snout
what is the strongest rs monster you think you (your real person) could defeat?
Finally, a sub for my gremlin queen!
Pretty broke. Please Share your stories on how you made you first billion.
What if I'm a little bi-curious and want to test out some butt stuff?
why does this spider have a collection of legs? (Liverpool UK)
Came across this on tictok
hoping for tis to be a female
My S-tier version of this meme. I’ll die on this hill
So, you can have any Elden ring creature, critter or boss as pet. Explain your choice.
Who is this ? wrong answers only
Alma - Loaf in a Box
I blew my boss so he wouldn’t fire me
Does a diagonal loaf count?
Maybe Maybe Maybe