Just bought porcelain dipper am I endgame now?
I need help choosing witch bee to gift
Spot the difference
what bee should i pick
Who do I gift? I got a star treat
Keep or replace?
I got a killstreak!
the fact that people fall for this is honestly sad
What are some of your laggiest moments?
Based on my avatar what games do I play and rate my avatar
Day 2. Which Roblox game has the best lore?
Who's hive is this?
Who should I give my star treat to?
Made a tierlist based off skill required for each character.
Try to spell your own username (this will be chaos)
What games do I play based on my avatar :3
What games do I play based on my avatar also please rate the avatar
Honest opinions on Humbled after everything?
Let's troll Joshua
Who's gonna tell these people that boob avatars aren't cute?
didn’t know josh was a baddie
would you play evade with this fella for 6 million dollars?
Reaching 30 bees... was a mistake at best.