Which cards should I craft
Should I main her
Who the hell designed this BS mission????
I hate this daily
What's a Skin that better suits the Brawler than their original look?
What is this card? wrong answers only!
Which is better
Frank and Colt Ambush Squeak and Sandy
First ultimate after 3551 games
Please don't use meeple
Day 2 of getting a comment from every country
On a scale of 1-10, how attractive you are as man?
Any strategy against ultra miner in Dopplegangers?
Never refund a brawlpass
Buzz wing mode got buffed
Free Drops in the shop for the weekend, go claim them and see what you get!
Is Charlie's attack speed always this fast?
im bored and cant sleep so tell me the worst joke you've ever heard
It's not fair
SG drivers really takde skill
What's Israel's ultimate goal?
Malaysian pedo case viral on /r/exmuslim