Why are you main this floors?
I have met Philip
Just lost my account to Authy
Kayle rework: new R is a bad idea
New to the game! Looking for a smooth Duo experience.
Finally the Kayle Ult Rework!!
Maokai currently has the highest win rate in three rolls in d+
From a ToS1 ranked player what is the appeal of all/any?
A Riot program is being executed everytime I turn on my pc and can't get rid of it.
Why don't Wild Rift devs just rework Kayle?
How are you all getting such good qq bangs
Help me uninstall
i returned to the game and now?
Can we talk a little?
Server is not available
Does precepting an hexed townie such as BG for example get rid of the false results you'd get for checking them?
When will jungle get a nerf ?
After patch game is almost unplayable.
Just hit E4
When to shoot as dep/ Prosecute as Pros?
You could get over 1500 ap with this build back in the day
"extra buff available for pickup" how to pick this up?
Top Lane Kayn Build With Heartsteel?
Tips for Building Tanks