Navigating Senior Years - Update
Before vs after the big haircut🤣
Got chewed out by my OB re: HRT
GrandHighlander with 4 kids?
Proposal for a Columbia-Midlands Metro/Rail
The struggle was real
Online Vintage Pop Up Shop
Thinking of getting senior dog a puppy
Cavapoo and chickens
Is anyone else Cav just love chilling and watching through the window? 👀
What is the most validating thing your therapist has said to you?
Cavapoo size and grooming questions
How can I get my 3 month old to stop biting?
Diabetes and Cushings
Indian Restaurant
can cheap skincare age you? [Anti-Aging]
Pajamas for the pups
Toys in bed?
Has anyone else experienced this: as a child, your nParent was horrible to you but had a nice persona around strangers. As an adult, they start using the nice persona on you.
Good news! A part of me died today
Teaching teen to sew
Does anyone know why they changed the way you get onto I-26 from Bush River Road?
Judgmental beings 🤔
Well, I did it. I told my Nmom I’m not coming home for the holidays.
What was the weirdest time your Narc managed to make a situation about them?