Anyone else unintentionally quote the movies/show?
O.J. Simpson Dead at 76
My “boss” has no regard for a customers expensive chair even after I told her how much it’s worth.
Could someone draw this? These are the injuries Leonardo DiCaprio sustained when a drunken woman broke a glass bottle on his face at party in 2005 - he had to have plastic surgery to fix the damage.
22m. I just feel like no women think I’m attractive. Never been checked out.
The USPS is a service
Just a postman (37/m)
Casting Tapes
Amanda Smith - Future Hopeful
How I Really Feel - My Husband on Naked & Afraid
Steven Cozza - Future Hopeful
Jamie Phipps - Future Hopeful - Audition Tape
Future Hopeful - Melissa Dante
Gabrielle Balassone Naked and Afraid interview
Naked and Afraid's Gabrielle Balassone in Studio
Zack Buck - Naked and Afraid Audition
Audition for Naked and Afraid (Future Hopeful - Travis Phillips)
Naked and Afraid Audition (Future Hopeful - Michelle White - Colorado)
Clarence Gilmer II - #SHOWUSWHATYOUGOT Casting Call
Naked and Afraid Audition Tape (Future Hopeful - Crystal Barrett)
Naked and Afraid Melissa Miller Season 7 Casting Tape
Naked & Afraid Video Part 2 (Future Hopeful - Christopher Russell, Pennsylvania)
Naked and Afraid Interview Part 0 (Future Hopeful - Jessa Everett)
Naked & Afraid Interview Part 1 (Future Hopeful - Christopher Russell, Pennsylvania)
Lets do Naked and Afraid (and Wet!) || STEVE HARVEY