The greatest story ever told by a stand-up comedian | Taking An MD Sufferer To A Prostitute | Jim Jefferies
How fast can you solve 3x3x3 (my personal best is 0:26)
What do you do if your desert guide can't locate water?
Yiheng Wang's 3.08 with slow-mo included at the end
[SM64] GreenSuigi with a 46:27 70 Star WR - NOW HOLDS ALL 5/5 MAJOR SM64 CATEGORY WRs!
Sued for no farewell card, found out no one wanted to sign it
Turning Red
TIL Coca Cola's Cola product in India is called 'Thums Up'
Which one of you did this?
For the ones who make over $150k a year, what do you do to get that?
Was hanging out with my mate Mervin
CubeStation Problem
Genuine question. I'm missing the end of my right pointer as you can see. Is it ok to wear a finger extension device of some kind while cubing? Would my times count? Is there some precedent?
What, do you feel, is the minimum TPS to achieve a 15s avg?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I Have Made It
LPT - You can become reasonably proficient in just about anything in six months
Genuine question: how best to recognise F2L cases?
All Dead
[Request] What are the odds of getting this 90-number bingo out (filling one box of 15 numbers) in exactly 15 calls?
NA MX5 'Shuddering' Once Warmed Up
NA MX5 Shuddering Once Warmed Up
What are the odds of winning this 90 number bingo (filling one box) in exactly 15 calls
As an amateur I just had my mind utterly blown by this video. (P.S any other simple amazing vids like this would be greatly appreciated, especially for F2L)