show me your waifu
Okay there's no way it's not inspired
You have €40 to spend building a team to fight the Archdragon, who are you picking?
Who can beat this team 1v5?
Choose 2 words, then I'll merge them into a superpower
Name a character who can beat Game Sonic
I have an unfortunate question to ask you all
Black Souls Timeline
Guys, im ready yo winterbell?
Your profile pictures from all media platforms will protect you from these three, would you survive or get cooked?
Какое самое странное порно вы видели?
Can your favorite verse stop this attack and how?
The last fictional character photo you saved are gonna try to hunt you down, how screwed are you?
What the actual fuck in Moscow 2
How do y’all defend the Golden Chick stuff
i have a problem with sound
Is there a lore reason we have to pay to enter the land of shadow?
There can only be one.
Rape my fit out of 10
Вещи которые вы умеете сделать легко но другим будет сложно
Okay we need to know how strong grimm is
Who wins in a fight
RedSouls, a fan game of Black Souls?