Give me a character and i’ll make a crash out line for them!
Be nice and say hi to engy
If these towns become one, what would you name it?
As always who did you vote for and why? (Answer please!)
Why is Two crying? (Wrong answers only)
Four has a request for you!
Name this country. The top-voted comment wins this round.
Eu descobri que tem brasileiros aqui
According to the TPOT 2 Popularity Poll, the most famous/loved characters (there are some in unexpected place )
Try to guess the flag (without image search)
Figuring out the most popular characters on this subreddit
Day 2 of trying to get a comment from every city
What's your Flair's name without these letters?
Flag i made for my school
Saw this in r/verxiollogycirclejerk
A MASSIVE Flag i Just made
guess what country im from based on the US state i live in?
Flag I made for my school
Flag for Rio de Janeiro ( State ), Brazil
Guess the flag (wrong answers only)
Vote To Eliminate One Person On Death Pact 4 and I Don’t Have Any Name Ideas Left
Finding the Community's Character Ranking - Day 4. Who is your top 3 out of the characters not yet ranked?
Describe Him In Just 3 Words
Tried putting all 66 characters to 2 teams. Which side are you siding on with this world war?