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All the Joann's Fabrics in my State are closing--where to go for notions?
Affordable linen recommendations that ship to the US?
I messed up using interfacing and now my iron is dirty. How can I clean it ?
tell me about your worst glutening story.
Chronic Illness/Neurodivergence community - question for the group
Walk-in gyne clinics?
What is something you purchased, on a whim, not realizing it would be as handy as it became?
My wife just got diagnosed with Celiac
Withdrawing from graduation
Stitch in the ditch frustration
What’s your favorite pattern you’ve gotten for free ?
Kindle at the gym? I’m obsessed!
How are you buying all of these books? They're so expensive
any recommendations for online pattern making courses?
Magical sewing techniques of 2024
Three Day Hotel Stay Meal Prep
Sewing Mat - Which dinensions? Which brand?
I’m 37 and I just finished John William’s Stoner…
Should I invest in a serger?
Riding the bus for the first time. What to do?
Typical Lifespan of a Kindle
Aldi GF Items?
Custom Sewing tags for clothes