WIBTA if I pile dirty dishes to teach my cleaning lady a lesson?
My overweight husband rages about his clothes every time we are getting ready to go somewhere
Why are people so weird about armpit hair?
People take advantage of me financially
My relative posted they achieved being sober for 6 months. I didn’t realize they had a problem and regret giving them their first drink years ago
Husband (37M) was upset I (33F) guided him during sex?
Is there anyone here who takes mounjaro who also has pcos? What has that been like for you?
If I get surgery, can I eat spicy food again?
I'm becoming quite obsessed with the music of Hildegard von Bingen lately
I (32F) told my husband (37M) we’ll never be able to lose weight and he doesn’t understand why
Can he drink from his bath?
I have lost all confidance to sing
I think my grandparents canary needs help, what can I do?
Mother insists to pay for things then doesn’t and I am not sure if I should finally tell her off
Mother always offers then fails to pay for things, should I finally point it out to her?
Does anyone have scalp issues?
I want to quit doctors forever, there is no solution to my weight gain and I spent so much on yet another useless doctor visit
Why are men so incapable?
Removing IUD, peeing like crazy
Sleeping 18 hours
Removed IUD, what to expect, weight.
Sick Canary?
I (M26) think the smell of cologne is disgusting.
WIBTAH if I kick my husband out over a messy home?