[Arena] DVL is the most fun weapon to use change my mind
If you need people to play with "just go to your LGS" and then these are the mfers at the LGS.
Inte bra för Svenskarna om de blir minoritet och Sverige ett muslimskt land
Vad betyder uttrycket "tjejjobba"?
Är det värt att plugga till apotekare?
Sverige är i toppen på Ojämlikhet, Arbetslöshet och Belåning - varför?
Digital av-amerikanisering
Utbildad ingenjör, hundratals jobbansökningar – vad ska jag göra?
Svenskgrundade Skype går i graven under våren
Does the Prusa MK4S still have so many problems?
Läser släktforskning och hittat en husförhörslängd, vad står det här? Dvärg?
See y'all In a bit, I guess.😔
POE2 Race Event: Fun for Everyone! (Except 599,994 Players)
This Woman Claims She Died, Traveled Through a Velvety Void, Lived as a Mantis Creature on Another Planet, and Witnessed Visions of Earth’s Future
No need to be a jerk.
Airline pilot captures 3 UAPs outside his plane window
Couldn't find any reliable, affordable filament dryers, so I created one myself
GGG's obsession with always having a downside is going to kill them
Koraner vandaliserade med bacon i Linnéuniversitetets bönerum
Was just reminded of this: "I worry that Path of Exile gets bad when I hide. So I need to be here, forefront."
“DeepSeek . . . reportedly has 50,000 Nvidia GPUs and spent $1.6 billion on buildouts”
Legacy League - Legacy Skins
Maybe they should have never changed this plan
WhiteHouse: Drones approved by FAA - not the enemy.
«France signals sending troops to Greenland if Denmark requests»