MK Giveaway: Topre Realforce R3 TKL Wireless Keyboard
The ‘70s and ‘80s seemed to have quite a run of serial killers. Either people have mostly stopped serial killing or we’ve gotten worse at figuring out when it’s happening.
Anyone else waiting for COPR after getting a document number?
Small animal (new born) found in Panama
What's up with the helicopter flying around Hillhurst?
New to Vancouver and just discovered dogs aren’t allowed on transit. What’s everyone’s opinion?
Question regarding marriage in BC while Sponsorship app is in process
This is what a little more than a monthly minimum wage gets you in groceries in Venezuela
Holy hell, Magpies are annoying.
What's happening in Calgary?
Maintained Status while waiting for open work permit extension and common law sponsorship.
If I end up dead this year, my neighbor across the street did it.
In search of walking shoes for my “sun” who has a grass allergy. Any suggestions?
Can I volunteer while waiting for PR application to be processed?
I was struggling to do basic tasks because of executive dysfunction so my brother stood with me and went all Gordon Ramsey on me if I got distracted
Minimalist here trying out something different and most importantly colourful. I realized my cardstock piece was a bit too big but oh well...
Aunt's house (my artwork)
The power of "No" and the ability to say it with meaning.
What's the deal with only being able to focus on one important errand per day??
Anyone else seeing a lot more open drug use in Ctrain stations?
Everyone at the party is now craving tacos
Need help knowing if this is witchcraft or just a simple coincidence!
Need advice! Extremely thin, broken nail. What can I use/do to protect it?
Is it worth hiring a consultant for PR application under Canadian Experience Class?
do you guys also have an ungodly amount of videos in your “watch later” youtube playlist?