It's the colour from my Parkscheibe allowed?
Is the colour of the Parkscheibe allowed?
Pre T vs. 5 months on T
Pre T vs. 5 Months on T
what turns people this hateful towards people
2 months on T. Do i pass?
FTM . 6 Weeks on T. Do i pass?
Is anyone else part of the band "my ex started dating someone within a week of breaking up?
Not sure if i should cut my hair again or let it grow for the winter! What y'all think?
Do i pass better with short or long hair?
Should i cut my hair again or let it grow?
Damn I’m loving this journey of finding myself. Keep your head up, it will get better.
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, December 09, 2022
Does this look help me to pass? Buy new clothes today and verry happy about it!
Hairstyle 1 or 2? Not really sure about it.
Does this look helping me to pass? 30 yo / pre T.
Pre-T but feeling pretty manly today.
Tried a new haircut. Do I pass better?
Which is a song you can relate to most, right now?
I can't fucking let go
Allow them to come back but don’t be a fool
Tried a new haircut today!
What kind of app / programm is this? In the video at 2:44 you see a programm / app from apple. Can somebody tell me what's the name of this? Thanks in advance🙏🏻
Question about Import in Switzerland