Ordered takeout from the lowest rated wing place in my area
What would a debate between Tim Walz and JD Vance look like?
I got bored again
This dude was cheating, right?
May I have some more, Mr.Zeno?
why would someone do this
Who else fits the Holy Trinity of bad hitboxes?
F*** it im installing again
seen others post there tier lists so here is mine from fav to least fave in no particular order
Fatalis prep help
Has anyone else messed around with the Gerald storyline in World?
If u play roblox I can give anything that is under 750 robux to anyone that is able to gift me a copy of borderlands 2 on steam. My steam is Slemster106 :)
Does nobody join sos flares past MR anymore???
My skill is nonexistent and my runs are inconsistent, but a guardpoint impact kill is transcendent!
LS Gear Advice
How do I unlock new layered armor?
Dunno where to start back up
Charge blade builds
Should i download the game?
Is this necessary
Are the servers down right now?
3 legends limited in a 5 pull
Anybody else notiving slow loading times rn