Question for the people in IT. What is the law that requires conversion?
Owned the libs by going blind.
Minnesota senator arrested, accused of soliciting minor for prostitution
S03Ep12 The Psychic Vortex
Taking training for this cert, and I'm just not getting it.
Why is the north east part of Minnesota liberal?
[Discussion] This is Guy comes in talking smack after his Cheater buddy gets me at extract.
It’s Crazy. r/Conservative won’t approve a post that was approved in so many other subs. Even after 8 hours!
Maye Musk: Don't bully my child, he's special!
People who have switched political parties/affiliations, what was the straw that broke the camels back?
Is the Economy Better Under Republicans or Democrats? The Stock Market Doesn't Lie.
Where the crawdad sings edited.
Name an audiobook which you never tire of listening to
[Discussion] PVE Players, what changes would you like to see to AI PMC gear/loot?
Do you REALLY think I wanna watch this?
Whats happening here?
This kind of crap is why Minnesota needs to stay BLUE: UPDATE.
Jodi’s family issues statement on unsealing warrant
If you could remove any person from Big Bang Theory who would it be and why?
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 6
This kind of crap is why Minnesota needs to stay blue
Congratulations, Democrats. You Disgusted the Entire Country.
ELI5. Why do the right and conservatives hate trans people?
Do t just sit there. Act on it. Show the administration what teachers can do.
Doge is going to review the George Floyd murder.