How to curl damaged hair?
Looking at other girls prettier then me, makes me want to kill myself.
Who else has a STRONG urge to leave society?
I've been a terrible friend and family member for most of my adult life.
I'm an atheist teacher who works at a strict Christian school, AMA
I spit all over somebody's food and watched them eat it.
Assaulted on my birthday, in my own room, struggling.
Who else thinks dating is easy but friendship is hard?
What are things you got tired of seeing/hearing about?
I am an ugly woman ask me anything
My (then) husband came out as trans and separately was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. AMA
what's a movie you have watched more than 5 times?
25f having an early morning bubble bath. AMA
I'm Hispanic, but I feel mostly attracted towards white people, and I think my preferences are kinda racist. AMA.
What would happen if someone gave Voldemort brain damage?
How did Harry come back from the dead
Wit vs Mappa
How likely is it that people will think I'm ripping off AOT?
Is this universal?? We're all living the same
Why is it offensive to acknowledge that religions are cults?
I just remembered I terrified my grandma when I was a child
How hard is the warhammer's hardening compared to other hardening in aot?And what weapons could break it?
This company is so cartoonishly evil it fills me with pure rage