What Is Your Favorite Underrated/Forgotten indie rock band?
I'm having trouble making it past level 30, any tips?
What was happening in your life when you started listening to bands like Radiohead and Deftones?
What song would you listen to in a place like this?
What's a musical movie that's popular among Gen X?
A rap group of trans gynecologist’s
What’s a film that’s a terrible execution of a great idea?
What’s the best album of 1998?
Band name for a group that plays at Home Depot
Made a huge fuckup at work today. Need movie suggestions
Lovely 7th ed Goblin King now in my collection!
Which movie would you defend like this?
If you have no other lands, does this just bounce back to your hand because you have to return a land to your hand?
Why is it smelling bad at North Campus entrance?
100th day of school is coming up, child needs to bring 100 of something, since the 100 figs don't fit in this bag, we went with 100 Lego heads. or "Skulls" like my brother said
What movie is gonna ruin your day, not because it's bad, but because it is dark and hopeless? Eden Lake (2008) is definitely one.
Name a band where every member is a fucking idiot
What’s a band name for a buncha dudes who are jaded AF.
[TOMT]help me find the name of a movie about a man who murders his parents at childhood and goes to prison but is released after a long time
Will Smith and his best films?
What film do you most regret not watching in cinema?
A band that only plays music for cats. What’s their name?
Us older people will know the error
What country is this? - Creative answers only
Band who has genitalia references in its name