Desenvolvedores indies
What is a video game character on this list that you would want in Smash 6?
não desejo nem pro meu pior inimigo_never
Como responder a uma parte específica do post de alguém?
Which game is this for you?
Rápido não ignore o away
Take a Break from scrolling and say hi to Kirby
Se você tivesse preso, mais o último personagem que você jogou viesse te salvar, quem seria? (O meu seria homem aranha)
who is your most wanted character for smash 6
The most wanted characters according to the "Smash 6 wishlist" trend
What do you expect from Nintendo Switch 2 Online 2?
Which indie game characters have the best chance of making it in?
What abosolutly bizzare/ joke characters would you want to see in the next Mario kart?
Boys smashin fashion artwork by (Oskar Vega)
Indique os melhores 5 jogos indies que todo mundo tem que jogar...
What handgun wielder would you add? Most liked comment wins
Made something of this Template during Free Time
What Mario character that you want to become an newcomer?
no r/thebigbangtheory
Should I buy this shirt?
What archer character would you add? Most liked comment wins
Let’s Make a smash game! Who’s fighter #14? Most upvoted comment wins!
Which character(s) do you main currently?