Where do we find what was hot fixed yesterday?
The biggest lie ever
I got the quest to charge an item 100 times
Sure you’re old, but are you this old?
The patch notes are up
dudes will really tell you with a straight face to gamba first shop every time
Is there no patch today?
Unpopular opinion (perhaps) but the complaining is way more interesting than a screenshot of your build with the text "sorry to whoever has to play against it"
Hi just checking, is pickin 4 heroes still locked behind paywall?
Second Hero Power giving the fear factor
didn't raynad say something about this game was supposed to avoid a pay to win model?
Dan Hipp Arishem or Artgerm Loki for max rizz?
Friends for Duo
New comp?
I don’t understand
Fun C’Thun
Guess my current MMR
I'm more upset with the reception
We need to stay strong as a community.
Crit bouldered........................
[REQUEST] Need bingable series that will HOOK me
You know which item of mine it hit
Did I cook? Would you have cut the Dino?
when you think you've seen it all you get a 1.8 sec obsidian weather glass