If the Purge happened in the same city as the Snoot game?What would happen? Would our characters be able to survive?
any blackwhiplash hot takes?
Blind Date x GiTS Shitpost
Wilhelm after this episode
What would an interaction between these two Goats be like?
SNOOT GAME VIDEO ESSAY: Worst character in the game that isn't Naomi or Trish
It's Morphin' Time!
How would we feel if there were more different species added in the snootverse?
Isso me faz pensar,sera que tem mulheres assim? Que gostam de homens gordinhos? Porque é sempre sobre mulheres gordinhas,mas nunca sobre homens gordinhos
Um femboy furry quer ter uma noite com você aceitas?
Okay, even though glitchtale is horrible, imagine how epic a battle between Level 20 Clover vs Betty would be (Clover would be Level 20 because of the fear creatures he killed)
zzz lançou uma animação pra personagem pulchra e é isso....
O que as mentes facassaences tem a dizer sobre essa preferência?
I don't know if there are any Brazilians here, but the voice I imagine for Andrew in the Brazilian dubbing is the voice of the voice actor "Gustavo Pereira"
If Teruko Tawaki were in the project: Eden garden as a 16 participant? What would happen? How would she interact with the cast?
I need someone to draw a picture of Riley doing a dempsy roll
Quem vocês preferem, o Dante jovem ou o Dante mais velho?
Imagine this, you're a strong individual in Re Zero,how would Subaru convince you to join them or how would he defeat you
If Subaru and Rudes interacted and Subaru found out that he was a pedophile and wanted to do things with children, he would still want to interact with him?
Dark Side of the Woods
Pretty girls (@0Kara96)
Qual é a opinião de vocês sobre a personagem Ruth? A coelha musculosa e futa(artista:peculiarart)
What would the Project Eden's Garden Characters think of Izuru Kamukura? Or just what if Izuru Kamukura was in Project Eden's Garden?