Best supports right now? And what’s your take?
When to pick Pyke?
When to pick Senna?
I've Come to Join you. Any tips?
Why in the earth did I place the torch..
Reading order after volume 9
Wayne June, our beloved Ancestor has passed away
Looping Thoughts
Maddening Genius
"Ah so that's what it does"
Snake Oil Peddler
Valorous Glimmer, counterpart to Inquisitive Glimmer
Chat how do I defeat this boss? It's hard to get through first 3 phases
[S2 spoilers] Biblically Accurate Heimerdinger
After clicking “continue expedition” base (non modded) game freezes on this step. Reinstalling did not help. Any fix ideas?
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 50 The Great Dark Beyond Pre-Purchase Bundles!
Depends on party composition
I think I’m ok guys
Putricide creations
An idea I’ve had cooking for a while
Nobody will ever get me to stop playing Time Bomb Printer.
Work let me customize my card
I saw an object and applied torch on it
I hate this game²