Prvy bicykel
I swear, some of you have a financial literacy of 5 year old kids, because there is no other explanation to why WG keeps making lootbox events...
GVS with a great content creator tier list
122 TM in 2025?
Posilka a viditeľné výsledky
100000 DBV-152 assembly shop
WG for the love of god: Give us the option to turn off the kill cam
Replays on Linux
A decade in hindsight. A message to any young folk considering steroids.
Supertest: Airfield Changes
CN offer
Imagine getting clipped by LT 30 seconds into the game.
Hľadám parťákov na ....
Privyrobenie si
‘Big Mike’ doesn’t regret sh!t
Guy getting clowned on social media for being natty
6 years progress with bottom tier genetics, I am 91% heterosexual so no homoerotic comments thank you.
34 months of cutting and bulking.
What to expect for tank fest weekend?
When you ask your full HP top tier teammate to use their hit points
You may not like it, but this is what peak wheelie performance looks like
It's impossible to have bad game on prokhorovka
Unicums the moment they reach 95%:
TWO tier 8 Czech LT into Supertest
Erik Tomáš si konecne nasiel sebarovneho protivnika