End of day update for Lady Gobble: she felt that GME is getting along a little too well with the broad market and got jealous… so she is blue balling us for the time being. She may have a change of heart later.
Thinking about Miss Gobble
End of day update for Lady Gobble: since GME went up with the market, swap expiration is still on the horizon. GME may have rose today, but that was a result of broad market moves. Our wait continues. Perhaps Tomorrow.
Update on Lady Gobble: after closing up a bit yesterday, she is reinvigorated today. If tomorrow looks like today, she will likely signal bottom. Would quite the coincidence landing on ETF rebalance snapshot day.
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
When Bonds go up, stocks go down. Always have been. BUT NOT WITH GME!
RSI Smoother re-uploaded to TradingView
End of day update for Lady Gobble: she started putting on her lipstick by the end of the day. She says we might be really close. She will see how she feels tomorrow.
Update on Lady Gobble: She is still opening wider each day. She still hasn't signaled bottom quite yet. The wider she gets, the more chaos that is happening beneath the scenes in the market. This has happened 2x in the last year. April and October.
TheUltimator’s Bottom Finder: The Gaping Maw. Buckle Up!
Lady gobble is opening wide for GME. She came for it twice last year. In April and in October.
Today, Computershare recurring buys filled at $24.92 between 10:40-10:50 EST. My indicator was flashing for extreme price manipulation right afterwards, which is pretty odd.
Reminder: Computershare recurring buys will fill today, between 10:45-11:15 EST in the open market for approx. $500k, or 20k shares. This is one of few events where retail actually affects buy pressure.
Tomorrow, 6 March 2025, Computershare recurring buys will fill in the open market between 10:45-11:15 EST. There will be approx. $500k worth of buy pressure. This is one of few ways that retail can actually affect the price because Computershare is treated as an institutional buy. Reminder in am.
For those of you in the 2%, why do you think the 98% failed?
What is your best life advice?
I added a new Bottom Finder that allows you to customize the basket that you believe GME is swapped with/against and see how it performs. If you think you know what moves the stock price, this new version lets you input those assets and check for correlation.
The GME Bottom Finder has been reuploaded to TV after it was removed earlier today for not being descriptive about what it does. If you have any functionality improvements, I would love to hear them. Since this is GME, it only finds bottoms. Not tops. It is the Grindr of indicators.
I think the GME bottom finder may have caught the exact moment Ryan Cohen started purchasing shares back in 2020, even before the volume came in from the SEC press release. The same type of activity was seen during April 2024. 🤔
I made a swap sniffer to sniff out GME swaps and bottoms. Did you know that GME was going to gap up on Feb 10th? The swap sniffer alerted to it on the Friday Prior (Feb 7). It also sniffed out the majority of the spikes in 2024 within 1-3 days before they happened. Link in comments.
Today, Computershare recurring buys will be purchased in the open market between 10:45-11:15 EST. This will result in about $500k worth of quick buy pressure. Being OPEX, I expect the buys to be rapidly price suppressed. Let’s wait and see.
The GME bottom and swap finder caught this price action minutes before it happened. Signals were flashing like crazy, even on a chart that looked flat. It was flashing because it detected extreme swap related activity.
Try out my GME bottom finder on TradingView. I am not an ass, so I release for free. Accurate on 1-minute and 1-day timeframes. It looks for swaps or excessive fuckery.