If you had to make LA a warlock patron
MEN: are you bothered by the sight of feminine hygiene products in unisex bathrooms?
What is your honest opinion on this game?
Without saying the name, what’s a movie everyone will recognize from just a quote?
What’s one thing your dad said to you that you’ll never forget?
What's the longest you've ever played a game in one sitting?
What's a game you played as a kid that nobody seems to remember?
One of my players drew the Void card at level 5. What creature should I have guard it?
Name of this GI choke?
What games embody this one word to you?
Is it true that working at a restaurant makes you never want to eat from there again?
I accidentally gave my players a legendary magic item by rolling on a common magic item table today...
Found it on the floor, what’s it gonna give me?
What's your wildest multiclass?
You’ve heard of a Ford Ranger and a Nissan Rogue
What are some creative insults that you've been called or called people?
Anyone still say "Channel 2"? Most people other than mum don't know what I'm talking about.
Based on all the information ChatGPT has gathered about you, how does it imagine you?
What’s your favorite part about playing DnD?
Have yall ever seen someone roll with socks on?
I asked some friends to give me their Top 5 favourite games ever. Who has the best and worst tastes ? (Names are random googled names)
Final minute of first comp and first win, what do we think?
Why don't you become a teacher?
What is the most frustrating thing for you about playing the game of DND as a gamemaster?