Why does the HBO show have few infected shown?
Which One Would you choose to be made into a movie or series?
Me and the squad when we hear people saying they unironically want a parody of Mickey Mouse to be the main villain of Shrek 5:
Green Goblin x Joker
Is it me or are just the Symbiote white eyes more scary and intimidating than with the mouth
Nedry's Death Movie vs Book
Alright guys we back with the memes
Who Would Win?
Would The Walking Dead Characters Survive the Last of Us and vice versa?
Could Someone give me ideas or write a horror script about by scouts in Alaska getting hunted by a Man-Bear
Fucking seriously?
Symbiote Spider-Man horror movie dream
Campaign based on the Death Troopers Novel Suggestions
Edge of the Empire Campaign based on Death Troopers Novel Suggestions
GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With The Last of Us Part II
What would Part II look like with Bruce Straley in charge?
If Ellie died instead of Joel?
The Last of Us should have been an anthology
How are they going to do this scene without spores?
What if the Nintendo Playstation released
Are the Genesis add-ons like the Sega CD and the 32x Overrated, Underrated, or Fairly Rated?
Non-Americans of Reddit, what is something that wish your country had that America has?
What is your most controversial opinion on Shrek?
If animals could sue humans, which animal would win the first class-action lawsuit, and what would they be suing us for?
Which movie or TV show felt like it predicted the future correctly?