The Magnificent Others with Billy Corgan: Episode 1 - Official Discussion [MEGATHREAD]
Would you recommend reading Saga series? I've heard mixed things about it.
Nobody Tell Bry
The Magnificent Others with Billy Corgan
4am Pisces Iscariot
The last 5 songs on Twilight To Starlight are pretty much their own EP.
TESD #623: The Power of Three
James Really Outdid Himself on this Album
Who wants to take one for the team and listen to it?
(If there's a tour for melon collies 25th) Who are you hoping opens for them?
What hobby did you actually manage to stick at?
TESD #618: Mad Diddy
BC + Delta Riggs Video Thread
My New Year’s Mellon Collie Countdown: #28: Tales of a Scorched Earth
The mother of all choices: Mayonaise vs Ruby!
What are Radiohead’s best songs to workout to?
TESD Christmas 2024 Pod Giveaway
Oceania vibes
At Close of Day (1941) - painting by Maxfield Parrish
Shady side of Nagoya?
anyone else pulling a frank 5 and making a long pilgrimage to the general store on thanksgiving?
Finally, a garment fine enough to be married in
TESD #607 - BQE
What are the reasons that Katy Perry lost her popularity in a short period of time?
Anyone listening to Kev's new Podcast?
Y’all think it’s real?
This sounds like a torture technique