Name the movie you're almost the only one who likes it.
old fanart (by me)
The villian on your birth month is ur parent
Rating how Throwable your avatar is
If These Guys Fought, Who Would Die First? And Who Would Win?
What song will you play
rating your avatars based on how much I'd trust them with my bloxy cola
“Ye who enter: Sobriety” (An Anti-Hazbin Tale)
do it!
Who do you think would win in a serious freesyle battle?
put your avatars and i will give them one of the deadly sins HOWEVER i am not going to judge off of looks... so be wary materia
What's your favorite blue sky film and why
What do you think is the WORST Bendy fan song? I’ll start.
You're invited to execute one pair. Which one are you choosing?
Darlene (skinless)
How would your avatars ACTUALLY die? I'll start:
Matt has collected 20 fighters for his fighting game for and has tasked nolegs to hand out the invitation letters to everyone! post your username and and avatar here and nolegs will hand you your invitation letter if you got in!
What’s a movie that NOBODY can convince you is good?
giving you an ability 2 defeat jason based on how your avatar looks
Who would you trust with your life?
Three to protect you while the other six try to end you 5.0
which scene has broken your heart?
“Ye who enter: Radio Silence” (An Anti-Hazbin Tale of Awesomeness)
Thought this would be appropriate here