Try and be as annoying as possible with the least amount of cr. (jungle road and river barge journey btw.
How to get more flame and heated look?
Chun-li casting copies
Chill companies to work for
Cricut for airbrush stencils?
How do you go generally go about having a "secret commander"?
Can I mix sariya tech tenatious resin, with my standard, anycubic grey resin for more flexible minis?
What is wrong here please help bc my professor is useless! Extreme beginner.
What’s up with the older job listings (30+ days) or those that are continuously reposted?
[Men's Royal Rumble Spoiler] Did both his feet touch the ground?
What is your PETTIEST take about TTRPGs?
Has anyone solved the "My deck did it's thing and now I want a new one" problem?
Why do people hate mill?
What Board Game Made You Fall in Love with the Hobby?”
What are your cool Izzet decks that aren't Storm?
Should my wife and I join my parents’ DVC contract? Pros, cons, and legal risks?
What rules/systems have you kept from previous/other TTRPGs?
Does this seem like an ok deal?
How do haunts play out in practice?
Commander to force everyone to play
Teaching Rules vs Teaching Strategy vs That’s a Bad Idea
I'm starting to grow weary of new players who think D&D is about making joke characters, breaking the game, and exhausting the DM [RANT]
What's it called when a d6 has a 6 on all sides
Learning SQl- can not find this answer online please help me!
[Request]: How to mathematically proof that 3 is a smaller number than 10