Are There Any OneD&D Actual Play Videos Using the New Rules?
Polearm Master Reactive Strike question
What are the most commonly asked rule clarifications in 2024
Opinions on this art direction: PSX-ish dungeon crawler. How would you describe this?
Best level 10 feature?
Helping someone kick down a door without proficiency?
Is there a module that can do something like this when you pause the game? Specifically with Pathfinder 2e information already built in, or that's customizable?
Item Idea: Drone with Stash
Character keeps moving forward for a few seconds after releasing input + lag
Looking for a complete collection of every Battlemap
Can't run Apex Legends or Rust anymore. What should I upgrade?
Player used the new counterspell for the first time last session and had fairly negative feedback for how it played out, interested in hearing other people's experiences and thoughts.
Giveaway] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
How does new stealth work exactly?
2024 DMG - Degrees of Failure Vs. Critical Failure
Help with Carrying capacity
[DnD 2024] Updating the old conditions?
How The 2024 Rules Impact Curse of Strahd
Guys, I'm so hyped to play my first session of this edition
Party Ambushed While Resting, Correct Order of Events?
Do MI Cleric and Druid have really good spell options?
Question about Gloom Stalker's Umbral Sight and Initiative
Does the Ammunition property prevent dual wielding pistols?
I got an early copy of the 2024 DMG
The 'Sap' weapon mastery is annoying to DM for.