What is your favorite Cryptid themed festival or event?
How did you get into Cryptozoology?
Have you ever been to the Ozarks to see the Dover lights?
Ever been out to see the Dover lights? What was your experience?
Why are ghosts creepy?
Anyone ever experience the Dover Lights in the Ozarks?
Has anyone heard of or seen the Dover lights in the Ozarks?
What is the weirdest, most bizarre cryptid you've ever heard of?
Who’s work in the field do you look up to the most and why?
What cryptid do you believe to be 100%, with out a doubt, completely real? - And what caused you to be such a firm believer?
When you think of “cryptids”, what place comes to mind first?
Deer in my thoughts
What cryptid are you tired of hearing about?
What is an obscure cryptid from your home town/near you?
How does one reasonably judge when something has left cryptozoology and ventured too far into folklore?
Doubters who wear logos, patches, stickers or other Bigfoot insignia... WHY?
Most persuading piece of evidence?
Worst cryptid media?
What state or geographic region has the most compelling Bigfoot sightings?
Has there ever been a a time that you switch sides on belief in a particular cryptid?
Does anyone have any Louisiana cryptids
What is your favorite type of cryptid content to consume?
Crazy people
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