This relationship was one of the most out of character thing Chloe ever did.
old but gold conspiracy theory. CIA Astral projection files.
Did kreese actually do all the things he said he did?
Why did Johnny and Wolfs fight only go to 3 points
We have a winner for Round 10! Wow, that was a tough battle. Now for Round 11 on Lucifer's Saddest Death
how can I not look so average?
What would a villainous Demetri be like if he was trained by silver
Do you actually like your life?
Who was the strongest teen in S3?
How tall are your parents compared to you?
14 days on accutane...not happy
Hot take: The night lights aren't cute.
Are you happy with Cobra Kai’s finale or would have you preferred this alternate finale?
Did Kwon really deserve the ending he got?
Is this normal?
Which villain was to best to you?
Why does Samantha larusso endure so much criticism
For all theistic philosophers…
An opinion about male teen finals that i don't think is true.
What do you think were the other angels reactions when they learned that amenadiel and Lucifer became best bros
How do you think humanity will end? When?
If michael exploits people’s fears and lucifer exploits people’s desires, what would the others do?
How to not give a fuck?