BOH: What's your favorite and least favorite station?
Hamz trying to impress mioshi 🙄
An Argus pheasant doing his best
When Hamlinz Solo Q's in APEX (Upvote plz so he can see very relatable)
Is it worth heirloom farming to level 20?
Please Help Any Answers Or Advice would be greatly appreciated
What’s the best way to travel fast right now?
When you almost miss out on the EVGA email notification window. Decided to check junk email before bed...should be here Friday. I would have been sooooo pissed, lol
A detailed description on the Lava Dupe, the unpatchable dupe method
Pretty in Pink
You wanted solo so bad - now you are complaining about enemies teaming up?
Welcome back boys!!!🤣
I finally came through for my squad for once
Shit I hate in Apex Legends.
My first win, first game as Wraith, first time as kill leader AND I got the winning kill. I think I’m hooked now.
Damm I just wanted to play some Ape Sex! :(
Red Phantom, Air58 custom
This guy isnt even trying to hide it.
Anticheat success
11.5 patch final patchnotes
translation: this mouse is only for the yes-men who blindly buy whatever we place before you. If you are unhappy with our previous dealings, goodbye!
Discolor on the red one after 2 weeks of light use
Finalmouse received 22K