QVB - Crop Top
Hands up if you know what this is??
Who was your favourite?
Painting of a Magpie
Magritte exhibition at AGNSW
A sunflower at Sydney Botanical Gardens
Q&A came to Wyong yesterday
Help me figure out why I don’t like my kitchen/why it’s throwing me off
Any good drama groups around?
QLD Health on Facey
What is missing for guest room at lake house?
Fill these spaces or no?
Who remembers shrinking these bad boys?
My newest drawing and one of my first buildings! This is my local city courthouse in Lawrenceville, GA
Places to have a boogie
Sydney Harbour Bridge from White Bay Power Station
Saturday Successes!
Any tips in growing an art account on instagram?
Thoughts on selling 2 of the same paintings?
Dog drawing+watercolor. Tips?