Pretty much sums it up
[Saryn Prime] Black Cat
Was Varric hit by an aging spell
So many character options, so many different playstyles.
I was not
if I'm smited for breaking rule 5, I understand (oc)
Yone if these buffs go through
Excalibur Umbra+
PATCH: Flash heal buffed
Controversial take of mercy, feel free to debate and discuss.
If Necros has 0 haters I am dead
Mercy Perk fix suggestion
Just did my first profit taker
I was so wrong about Mercy's minor perks....but they are still awful
I'm new to Warframe, and thanks to my friend (who basically carried me on some of the starter missions), I now know the basics of the game.
Real and true
Hot fix added new flash heal bug
Name a weapon in Elden ring, and I’ll explain why the star fist + cragblade is better
didnt even realize i just dropped the saturation down pretty much (Lavos Prime)
What is your current go-to Loadout? (Warframe, Primary, Secondary, Melee, Sentinel)
I think symm is... Strong
So called "Peak" vs so called "Disappointment"... there's a clear winner in my eyes
My D&D Combats are WAYYY too long. Help?
Shut Up, Sahn Uzal
Symmetra Perks if they were chosen/designed by me… thoughts?