Damage to armor or Damage out of cover?
Spirit…how to get it?!?
Question from noob…
Ebonpiercer Amulet
Red circle of fear
Ring of Mendeln
W: Price Check H: Weapons & Plans
H: Q2525 Fixer W: Giveaway
H: Stash Trash W: Apparel, Groll or Leader offers
H: BOL/AP/WWR T-60 PA set W: B50c25 Fixer or AAE25 Radium rifle
H: AAE25lvc fixer & 72 pickaxes W: Bol/AP/WWR T60 set
H: Responders set W: OE/ AP / SENT Ultracite PA Set
[XB1] H: Another giveaway... W: To go broke, apparently. 1-300
H: Mr Handy Buzz Blades W: offers
H:weapons w: offers
H: V2590 UGL W: Heavy weapon offers
(XB) H: 8k caps W: V/40pa/15c Ripper
Are they good or scrips/caps?!?
H: AA40pa+1S Mr Handy W: offers
H:in photo W: Caps
H: V2590 UGL W: B2590 UGL
H: Heavie Gun Grolls W: Offers
[XB1] H: List W: "Interests" (Last Slide)
H: List W: "Interests" (Last Slide)
H: V2590 UGL W: B2590 or 50bs UGL