In what scenario you need the 1st effect?
Is Anaxa worth it for my account? (context below)
Can I skip Tribbie? (context below)
Anaxa is a great option for F2P
V3 Pulling Thoughts?
With beta V3 for version 3.2 approaching, what changes would you like to see to Anaxa?
Followup on Addressing Negativity in the Community
Here's what I think, but I want to know what YOU think.
Is this a cope piece?
Tribbies Value.
I see everyone else posting this, I'll join in, thoughts?
Who do you prefer Denji with?
From looking at the trailers and gameplay is this game a day 1 purchase for you?
Ik many people dont like him but hes always shared some thought about early access for upcoming character..what you guys think??
I wonder how the devs feel about this
Analysis of Tribbie v3
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Discussion Thread
You vs Denji, straight hands, no BS powers, only fists, fight take place on an dumpster alley, can you beat him? Winners gets to sleep on Yoru's ass
Robin or 3rd Erudition character?
If There’s A Part 3 Would You Prefer The Chaotic Fast Pace Action of Part 1 Or The Slow Pace But Good Story Development of Part 2 Vibes?
What should I pull for? based on my account
Using Acheron team in 2025
Are you all open to more variety in accents for HSR like Aglaea regarding the English Dub?
how good is S1 peaceful day?
Should argenti be built as a suppourt? (with ER rope and passkey LC)