I feel Dostoevsky inspired 1984
First day with Gishath!
Which novel do you think has the strongest/most gripping opening of any book?
UConn or UMass
Advice on next deck?
I hate catcher in the rye
Name 3 classics you enjoyed, and someonelse will recommend a classic you might like based on those books
If I want a short read that’s not very deep, what should I read?
Better mill commander?
Final thoughts before I buy?
Rate my deck
Earth is getting destroyed. You can take only 5 books before leaving the earth.
Should I buy a dinosaur precon and slowly upgrade?
Which should I read next 🌚
Can I read TBK right after CP
Copped all this for seven bucks, what should I read first?
Is 37 lands good
Rate//help my Gishath before I purchase it
Do I NEEED fetch lands
Cut exploration or llanowar elves
Can someone review start of Gishath
Shadowspear in Gishath deck?
Gishath deck
Who should I unlock next