Do your host changes happen according to a distinct pattern?
DID songs
12 year old constant WIP
Do you have parts that reject the DID diagnosis while others fully accept it?
Involuntary age regression- how do I make it voluntary?
Self Portrait
Do any of you have functional neurological disorder?
Differences in how parts conceptualize themselves/DID?
Different religious beliefs between alters?
Lacking a personal narrative
Update to my last post + Question
AOE only living in the moment?
Alters are the least of my problems (help with dissociative fugues?)
I'm going insane
Told my brother
How did you guys deal with the diagnosis?
Introject reminds me of traumatic period
catatonia in did?
What is the Best depiction of an actual apocalypse as it unfold on the screen.
Things the system connects with
Excuses you use for personality changes? And your profession (if any)?
If I compartmentalize it never happened, that’s how this works right?
How do you express yourselves?