Has anyone found long term success switching off ADC (or to)?
Does anyone else notice this about some ADC's?
Getting so frustrated
If you play a support mage are you forced to win the lane?
Why i feel like some people think Vel'koz is an easy champion to play
Dear Support players, this is NEVER acceptable
Whats your take on unusual Supports?
I want to coach supports for free
Invasions are bad.
I am tired of these support man, and this is in Master elo. How can they play like this and not get ban
What I don’t understand about weapons..
Am i underlevelled?
I am literally in awe of you folks who beat the game with no summons.
Guys i finally did it!
The longer you play a champ, the worst your temper gets.
I need lore on Ranni, specifically is she good or bad?
Fuck, I've never seen this. Top is such a shit role now few people want to actively play it.
How young is too young when you're 33?
If you could push a button, and gain $1 billion, but the consequence is that a human race/religion of your choice is exterminated, would you do it, and if so, what would you choose?
I'm a pretty bad player...
Figured I'd ask people if my build is okay?
should i buy dayz? :/
Low elo lp
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
Do men ever regret losing a good woman later in life?