My horrible experience working for shoppers over the past 16 months
Why Shopper's Drug mart is an awful place to work
Which Doc Ock 2 pack?
Dread Dread Mode 0%; my fingers was trembling after i beat Raven Beak, took like 4 hours at it, but ive finally done it!
Maximum Series Spider-Man Preorder links
ROTS 20th Cody arrived.
Boyfriend didn’t delete his account and just deleted the app
He unmatched me 😔
Started using Misty today. Thought I would track my results out of morbid curiosity.
Thanks, Karl...
The Thanks Button Theory
I don’t think some people realize this game was meant to be a “Collection” game first with the card game tacked on.
Seriously Walmart
Semi-formal head accesories
I cant believe I got these target exclusives for $1 each
Who tf is buying this for 800€
PS5 Pro November 7th starting at 700 dollars (800€)
Whatnot just might bankrupt me..
Does The Ultimate Mash-Up -Transformers x TMNT Party Wallop Pack offer good value for money or should it be left in the store?
Was it “incest”?
Hot take: Whole cake island is a better version than the water 7/enies lobby arc
One Piece’s Pacing (a slight rant)
Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Anniversary Edition up for pre order @ Square Enix store & this time coming to “local retailers”
They are already starting the damage control huh
Disney has not only destroyed Ki-Adi-Mundi's (and the Cerean species' lifespan) canon/lore, but has also character assassinated him and made him into a liar.