What's the big deal with Dragon types?
The BEST way of evolving Feebas in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
I have one, now onto the other.
I completed the Living Dex in Gen 3 100% legitimately
Scaling in "Nearest Neighbor" or "Point"
Is it possible to extract or isolate a pixelized character animation from a video?
Is Cynthia really all that hard?
What should her name be?
Completed Living Dex as Authentic as Possible (Guide Coming)
What's a Pokémon with a better design than its evolution?
Critics' and fans' scores of all the Mario & Luigi games
Game recording?
Why do you enjoy HeartGold & SoulSilver so much?
What on earth is going on with Brilliant Diamond’s movement input??
Went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art today and discovered what Bronzong is based on, thought it was interesting.
I carved bidoof outta wood! 🪵
Without Looking, How many Pokemon can you name off the top of your head?
Who’s your favorite Pokémon Youtuber and why?
Catching Slakoth in Scarlet & Violet
Every pokemon is someones favorite
Playing Pokémon Black for the first time, crossed Skyarrow Bridge and made it to Castelia City and I honestly think it's amazing that they were able to do all this on the DS back then.
Which Pokemon evolution line is awesome all the way through?
Honestly, after playing this game enough, when it originally came out I still thought some of the older ones were better but now I honestly think this is the best Mario Party ever made.
Which game is this guys??
What minor or major design change would You make to a Pokémon to improve it?